Liberator Bon Bon | Liberator Solo Play Sex Pillow

Liberator Bon Bon
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Liberator Bon Bon and Dildo Mount is a multi-function tool for the bedroom. Although it is marketed as a toy mount, it also has received high praise in the market as a positioning pillow in the bedroom. After reading many highly rated reviews of the BonBon, I decided to try one myself to see what all of the raves were about.

Let’s start with what I loved about the Bon Bon.


  • It securely anchors the toy of your choice, sized 1.25″ to 3″ diameter, at a 90-degree angle. So you can enjoy a female on top solo experience and a hands-free orgasm.
  • Also doubles as a positioning pillow, allowing couples to try different styles than they otherwise may be able to.
  • Microfibre cover is removable and 100% machine washable for sanitary reasons.


  • Although it works great with battery-operated toys that have a standard base, it does not appear to be designed to hold toys with a flared base. Or toys that do not have a fully cordless capability.
  • It may have too much height for some individuals with shorter legs.

Overall, I am assigning a grade of A-

As far as supporting a hands-free orgasm, the claim I most wanted to investigate, I found the claim to absolutely is true.  It enables a female to use a riding position hands-free, with the base absorbing all of her weight. Or to clitorally stimulate when using the BonBon in a missionary style and thrusting hips upward.  Even using in the missionary style, it is still able to facilitate climax in a completely hands-free manner.

As I am a woman of 5’2, I did understand the claims of being a little too tall to comfortably ride.  It wasn’t so awkward, just a little tiring to the upper thigh. But completely able to be tolerated.

Some of the other frequent reviews I saw

“If your wife was not feeling much like putting on a show prior to purchasing this, be prepared because she will be once you introduce the BonBon into your bedroom.  In addition to being able to take the place of the suction ended toy against the headboard, it also gives a height like a swing would. Giving the ability for the g-spot to be reached repeatedly during lovemaking sessions without overtiring from hip thrusting.

See the best sex toys for couples 2023.