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Couples Sex Toys

There are so many sex toys available in the market today.  How do you choose the best couples sex toys for your home?  At we have compiled a list of the top 10 sex toys for couples for every year from 2016 up to and including 2023.  As well as useful information that will help you decide what couples sex toy, if any, are right for you.  We have researched adult stores, vendors, and the internet and have gone through a list of reviews to allow you easy access this information in one place.  Look at us as your free couple’s sex toy guide.

We has no affiliation with any manufacturer. The compilation of our opinions and product reviews are done honestly. Our professional background is in adult shops so you can be assured that we know what we are talking about.  We have provided links to our preferred online retailer as well as our retail stores. But it is entirely up to you on how you use this information and where you spend your hard earned dollars.

Happy Couple With Couple Sex Toys

We have also provided links to our blog site that has many adult product reviews, articles and comments should you wish to learn about other sex toys or in fact everything adult related.  Also in this site are video clips of the bestselling couple sex toys that will allow you to find out and see more of these fantastic pleasure products.

Why Choose Couples Sex Toys?

You and your partner have experienced passionate sexual joy together and although things are not stale you are looking at a way to add enjoyment to your sensual lifestyle.  Well adding a sex toy to the equation is a simple and positive solution but the question is ‘What sex toy is right for us as a couple?’  There are just so many sex toys to choose from.  This abundance in choice will become apparent that there are different adult toys for different types of sexual activity that will require an array of experience levels.  So finding the right toy can be a daunting task.  This is where provides the solution.

Whether you are a total newbie to sex toys then you will be on a steep but pleasurable learning curve.

For those just starting out we advise that you start with a smaller device that is used on the outside like a tickler or massager.  This will add extra spice to your lovemaking and foreplay without being intrusive or cause anxiety during your first time.

Once you have experienced the added joys that couple sex toys can bring you, you are surely going to want to try more. So for the regular or experienced user of sex toys, they’ll start to look for new and exciting ways to pleasure themselves together.  Become creative and take your sexual liaisons out of the bedroom using a wireless device like the We-Vibe.  It will be your little secret when you’re sitting at the local restaurant when your lover turns it and you on.

Advanced Sex Toy Users

We can also assist advanced sex toy users who have discovered that using sex toys in their lovemaking creates a healthy and harmonious relationship and brings a couple closer together than ever before.  So visit our site and read sex toy reviews on our blog to be equipped to choose the right sexual aid for you.

When you’re shopping online you’ll see page after page of various sex toys. Frankly, the experience can be intimidating and the information can be too much to digest. There are several toys that consistently are at the top of the lists when it comes to couple sex toys, and we’ve compiled a list here. Other places might have lists as well, and by all means we encourage you to check them out for different opinions. But we guarantee that there won’t be another site that is as informative as ours, that goes into as much depth as ours, and will provide the information to you clearly without the fear of us being bought or sponsored by sex toy suppliers.

At couples sex toys we have compiled a list of the top sex toys for couples

And any information that will help you decide which, if any, are right for you. We will discuss the pros and cons of each toys, what they’re especially useful for, who they’re useful for. As well as unique tips and tricks that each sex toy offers. Our specialty is not only our research, but also trial and error. We have seen the toys, used the toys, and held the toys in our own hands. This means our research is to the letter. Here at couples sex toys we have researched adult stores, vendors, and the internet and gone through a list of reviews to allow you easy access to this information.

So Many Sex Toys

Let’s be honest, there are an abundance of sex toys out there that claim to do a lot of things but they simply don’t do what you expected. We cut through the marketing and get to the realistic expectations of a toy. Just like buying a new house or trawling through tindr or a dating website. The photos and descriptions can be wildly misleading and we consider it our job here at to cut through the BS. We will be honest and straightforward with you. We’ve all been there and used duds, products that just don’t work for us. At the same time not everyone talks about sex toys, not everyone wants to share what worked for them, what didn’t work, and why.

We do have an obligation to make a disclaimer. Couples sex toys has no affiliation with any manufacturer so the opinions, reviews and compiling of this list is done honestly, without influence or financial gain. We are free people here, and we intend to keep it that way.  Only affiliation that we do have is with our preferred retailer which you can gain access to only if you choose to by clicking on the buy now logo.

We have provided links to an informative blog site that has many adult product reviews, articles and comments should you wish to learn about other sex toys or in fact everything adult.  Also in this site are video clips of the bestselling couple sex toys that will allow you to find out and see more of these fantastic pleasure products.

Why Couples Sex Toys?

There’s a lot of strain on relationships these days. From making life changing decisions together, to selecting what to have for dinner, to starting a family, affording the family and lifestyle that you want. Relationships need to be far simpler. Today, on the radio, there was a discussion about sex before marriage or even sex before falling in love. The idea was that sex is an important aspect of any relationship, and a lack of sexual spark between two people can be devastating and it can bring down the foundations of an otherwise solid relationship.


There are ways to negotiate through hurdles like this. Take for example the following scenario.

“Your sex life used to be amazing as hell, then you’ve been together a while. Maybe had kids, you’ve fallen into a couple routine. Whilst there is still love and passion there, you’re missing that touch of spark that you once had.”

Don’t panic. This happens a lot of the time, couples fall in and out of love. That’s why relationship counsellors exist, and why they’re big business these days. They’re making a killing with couples that care enough about each other to try and reconnect. As we grow older, we change, and it’s a fact that some couples will sacrifice parts of themselves. Compromise on other parts as a team, and grow together. Sometimes, some couples don’t.

Sexual Fulfilment

As society moves forward into a more sexually liberated world, people realize that they are allowed to grow.  And that who they married in their twenties may not be who they grow old with. It is clear that couples are recognizing the need for sex within their relationship. And also are aware about taking that pressure off each other. Instead, we learn to put some emphasis (but not all) onto sex toys for sexual fulfilment. The thing is, there are a lot of couples that recognize that their relationship may be perfect in every regard, except sexual fulfilment. A way to address that is with couple’s sex toys. There are other couples that want to push sexual boundaries and address sexual pleasure in new ways, because they’re a thrill seeking couple.

Indeed, once you have experienced the added joys that couples sex toys can bring, you are surely going to want to try more of them.  So for the regular user that has experience using sex toys with their partner you will start to look for new and exciting way to pleasure yourselves together.  Become creative and take your sexual liaisons out of the bedroom using a wireless device like the We-Vibe.  It will be your little secret when sitting at your local restaurant and your lover turns it and you on. You’re now taking the sexual aspect outside of the bedroom.


This is a discreet toy that you can utilize whenever you like, regardless of whether you have children or not. Sometimes that spark is about spontaneity and togetherness. Wireless toys can do a big part in regards to that. Couples sex toys, take the pressure off the ‘performance’ of sex. It allows couples to take a step back, relax, and simply enjoy each other’s company, bodies and sexual presence.

There are couples sex toys that focus on the male, there are couples sex toys that focus on the female. Regardless of where that focus is, the key point here is that the toys will be able to be used by one another, for each other. Sexual pleasure is meant to be shared and enjoyed. This is one of the arena’s in which couple sex toys will excel at.


We will review the basic toys, as well as the advanced toys. We will cater to people with budgets, people where money isn’t a priority and with various experience levels when it comes to sexual pleasure. Couples sex toys isn’t just for older couples. It can be for younger couples as well, who are interested in learning about themselves, their own bodies, their partner’s bodies and everything in between. Couples sex toys are for beginners and newbies, as well as advanced uses of sex toys. We will showcase a wide variety of sex toys for couples that will suit almost everyone’s interests, styles and expertise.

Couples sex toys can also assist advanced sex toy users too.  Who have discovered that using sex toys in their lovemaking creates a healthy and harmonious relationship bringing couples closer together than ever before. So visit our website and read articles on our blog to be equipped to choose the right sexual

Sex is a pleasurable act. With so much being written about this instinctive act it is mired in clouds of doubt and controversy. To lift it from the realm of mystery and intrigue, let’s begin by discussing what is sex?

What Is Sex?

Sex has different connotation for different people. Above all it is healthy, natural and pleasurable. It is an act that most people enjoy and it is healthy to discuss it. There is lot of moral stigma attached to the act but there is nothing immoral about it. Much of the stigma is because of unwanted pregnancies. Which can easily be avoided if the couple takes adequate protection.

Sex With Pleasure

Sex is not just vaginal intercourse. It is just about anything that feels sexual. Irrespective of whatever your sexual orientation, each one of us has at some point in life indulged in it or at least thought about it.

Let us discuss the act as such. It is the insertion or thrusting of the penis when erect into the vagina for mutual pleasure or for reproduction. People indulge in a variety of sexual acts involving something as commonplace as rubbing each other’s feet for pleasure or actually indulging in the act. People may even be indulging in stimulation of the sexual organs by self or by the mouth (Masturbation and oral sex) to stimulating each other’s erogenous zones for mutual pleasure.  In all this comes the use of sexual toys, they are instruments used during sex to enhance the pleasure or the orgasm.

Sexual Orientation

One of the best things about being in a relationship is you can understand each other’s sexual orientation. Whether your partner likes oral sex or anal sex or likes the missionary position or likes women on top. It is understanding each other’s sexual needs that has such an exhilarating effect on the partner. As it releases them from any kinds of inhibitions they might be feeling. In a good and healthy relationship sex is indulged in for its sake or for enhances pleasure. And both the partners are devoted to giving pleasure to each other. Make this the honeymoon period of the relationship and depending upon how you handle it can last for a very long time.  It is also the best time to explore your fantasies and set the boundaries of the relationship.

In this article we are discussing heterosexual relationships though sex toys which may be great for gay and lesbian relationships as well.

Let us first discuss why are sexual toys great for enhancing pleasure

And what is their role in the sexual act.  Then we can go on to picking some of the best sexual toys available in the stores. Sexual toys are considered as a boyfriend substitute, whereas they can greatly spice up your relationship. So what stops people from using a well-designed vibrator or a dildo. In the first place women feel that their partner may not like the presence of a third party or an intruder into the bedroom. Fact of the matter is a good majority are not threatened by the concept or presence of a sexual toy in the bedroom.

Our culture needs to open up to sexual toys that are not a substitute for a partner but are meant to enhance the pleasure in the sexual act.

ohh sex
ohh sexual toys

There is also another myth associated with sexual toys

That they are artificial sex and that it does not count if your partner reaches orgasm with a sexual toy. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is like this that if you are cooking and use a kitchen aid to assist you while cooking. You still get the credit for cooking a wonderful meal, well a sexual toy is just that a sexual aid and not a substitute for a partner. Though you need not shy away from trying one when you are alone.

Why shy away from tools that could give you so much pleasure. I just can’t understand it.  We use tools to aid all our activities, whether it is cooking, bathing or fixing the shelf. So why feel afraid of a tool or toy that is all important in giving you the primal motive of sex is orgasm. Many people are embarrassed to shop for sexual tools. Some are afraid to shop for it in a store as they are worried what the shopping assistant will think about them.  And are even afraid to shop online as people feel it might come with an image of a penis or vagina or worst a penis thrust into a vagina.

Shopping Assistance

But remember it is not the job of the shopping assistant to judge you. They are just doing their job. You can even get a lot of wisdom from the consultant if you are confused about what you should buy.

Many people are overwhelmed by the variety of choices available in the market. If people even develop courage to go online, they are bogged down by the wide array of choices available. To begin with, take one step at a time start with a lipstick vibrator or a bullet. Both are pretty straightforward and while you are trying to understand how your body responds to sexual toys it is good to opt for the simple toys.

A fact that most people are not willing to consider is that sex toys can help male sexual pleasure too. While a vibrator may stimulate the clitoris it can also stimulate the frenulum. It may not lead to orgasm but it can be fun to play with. Some male sexual toys help stimulate the prostrate. Many heterosexual males hesitate to explain to their partner that they want stimulation of the prostrate.  Fact is that men have nerve endings there and that doesn’t make you gay.  Current generation of men are asking for prostrate stimulating toys for themselves.  Fact that these toys exist is a perfect reason for men to explore that zone of their sexuality.

Why Should I Try a Sex Toy?

Well there are reasons whether they are made from pure joy, sound logic or if you’re up for something kinky, they are reasons enough.

If you seek variety in your sex life? You want to try out new things with your partner? Trying a sex toy can be really exciting. Toys can also act as a desire for conveying your feelings. For example, many women may want to introduce the vibrator to bring attention to the fact that they want greater stimulation of the clitoris.

For people who want anal or prostate play a sexual toy can be a perfect way of explaining that they want stimulation in that region and they are not necessarily gay. While popular media recommends surprising your partner with a sexual toy, sexual counsellors think otherwise. They feel that you should go for shopping it together, whether online or at a store.

honey in bedroom
bedroom gal

While you are wondering how to start a conversation about sexual toys, here is a suggestion, you could say.

“Honey, I have read an interesting article online.”


“How about we introduce some more fun into the bedroom?”.


How Do I Incorporate Sex Toys into Your Bedroom?

You could do this by talking about it and building up anticipation. Talk about what you are going to do to each other. Masturbation is a data gathering time. It lets you know what you are expecting from sex. Tells you what you expect from your partner. And when you want something and your partner is not that much into it is sensible to release your expectations yourself.

Which Is the Most Suitable Sex Toy for Me?

Well there is no best vibrator or best sex toy. You can make informed decisions by reading about each toy and matching them up with your moods or anticipations.

When buying sexual toys look for one with strong battery life or one that is safe for your body.  As far as battery is concerned the strength of the battery will show you the strength of the vibrator. As far as material is concerned don’t buy toys made of jelly rubber. Toys made of hard plastic are body safe also toys made of phthalate-free silicone are just great. Don’t forget the lubricant it is a great determiner of sexual pleasure.

People think of a lubricant as a substitute for when their partner is not turning them on enough. But the fact of the matter is a good glycerin free lubricant is handy at all times.

Experienced Sexual Joy at home
Sexy Times

You and your partner have experienced sexual joy together. Although things are not stale you are looking at a way to add enjoyment to your sensual activities.

Well adding a sextoy to the equation is a simple and positive fix but the question is ‘what sex toy is right for us as a couple?’  There are just so many to choose from.  Because of this abundance in choice it will become apparent that there are different adult toys for different types of sexual activity. That will require an array of experience levels. So finding the right toy can be a daunting task.  This is where couples sex toys provides the solution.

Newbie To Sex Toys

Whether you are a total newbie to sex toys then you will be on a steep but pleasurable learning curve.  For those just starting out we advise that you start with a smaller device that is used on the outside like a tickler or massager.  This will add extra spice to your lovemaking and foreplay but without being intrusive or cause anxiety the first time.

It’s clear that here we go the extra mile. It isn’t just about selling you couples sex toys, it’s not about giving you the most expensive products. What is is about is giving you the correct information that is going to be helpful in the development of your sexual pleasure. It’s going to be about allowing you to be a well-informed individual so that you can accurately make up your mind when it comes to the selection of a sex toy. Or give you the information needed in order to bring it up with your partner.

Thi is going to be one of the hurdles. Perhaps you’re looking at this site by yourself, perhaps you’re looking at it together. A key here will be open and honest communication to the extent that you both come to either the same conclusion. Or whether you’re going to compromise as a team. That open communication is what’s going to get you through as a couple.

Open the door to wonderful and amazing sexual experiences that you can experience together.