Being in a relationship is fun so why not try the most adventurous sex toys. You finally have a partner to do things with and, without much effort, everything seems to be all unicorns and rainbows. But as we all know, we humans tend to get tired of things very quickly, especially if we keep doing the same things over and over again. When things get a little stale between couples, there is a proven remedy to which many lovers have turn since the beginning of time.  That is none other than sex.

Sex has the ability to revive relationships because creative people can always find ways to rejuvenate their sex lives even when every other thing seems to be going against them. And of course more and more things are being invented each day that can really help couples spice up their sex lives.

For instance, introducing the best sex toys into a relationship is capable of spicing up that relationship by a factor of hundred. So if you’ve ever found yourself wondering what the most adventurous toys for couples are, and how you can use them to your advantage, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading and all will be revealed in a short time.

most adventurous sex toys
Happy Couple

Adventurous Sex Toys for Couples

Below are our best sex toys for couples.

  • Partner Whale

Just as the name implies, Partner Whale is built specifically to simultaneously stimulate partners with its dual motor curvy vibration mechanism. Inner part of the toy is designed to stimulate the receiving partner’s clitoris while the penetrating partner is being vigorously massaged at the same time. Partner Whale lets you choose between three levels of vibration intensity and seven levels of rhythm. This way there is always something for everyone and orgasm is all but guaranteed.

  • Ohare Double Vibrating Cock Ring

A double vibrating cock ring is designed to give you twice the impact. Its design sports two rabbit ears and a cock ring that is geared towards stimulation of two senses. Both partners will experience at the same time a hearing and buzzing sensation.  Significantly increases the chance of simultaneous orgasm.

  • Jives Couples Vibrator

Vibrators have always been known to be effective in their achievement of orgasms even in people who have lost all hope. Jives Couples Vibrator takes this efficiency to the next level. With a state-of-the-art design using shape and structure to deliver all the power you need. This egg-shaped vibrator is capable of being controlled remotely by a partner.  Taking the level of intimacy and trust to a whole new level.

  • Eva II Vibrator

Another vibrator toy for couples, Eva II is a cute little toy that packs a hell of a punch. Sporting a cock ring-like design, a lot of couples prefer the Eva II for its lightweight and elegance. If you and your partner are in the mood for something light, and easy to use. But with the power of a thousand lightning bolts. Then this is a toy that deserves to be high on your consideration.

adventurous sex toys
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Best Place to Use Them

  • Outdoors

There is just something about outdoor play that gets the blood pumping. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac for some. And even for those who don’t have a natural inclination to it, it is still more than capable of doubling the amount of adrenaline involved. You’d be surprised how much this exhilarating feeling we get from “doing it” outdoors can improve your sex lives as couples.  And create a renewed appreciation for your partner even in ways that don’t have anything at all to do with sex.

  • Obscure Rooms in the House

Sometimes you don’t have to go too far to find the best place to use your exciting sex toys as a couple. Before you begin to consider going outdoors, you might want to make sure that you’re properly utilizing the other rooms you have in the house.

For instance, the kitchen is a popular choice among couples to get their freaks on. A kitchen counter just has a way of getting people incredibly horny. You’d be greatly amiss if you don’t at least consider taking advantage of its vast sexual potential. And if you happen to have developed a love for the great outdoors, you might consider starting from your backyard – if you have one. Some other notable places in the house include on top of a washing machine (during a spin cycle).  In a dressing room, and any other place your imagination takes you.

  • Cam Platforms

That’s right. It is possible for you as a couple to showcase your sex toy proficiency on adult cam platforms and make a lot of money from it. And why not? There are already lots of couples on these platforms earning nothing less than six figures every month.

For the best experience we recommend registering on Chaturbate so that you can have access to an existing pool of audience. The platform is also easy to navigate, and, by registering here, you can give yourself a bigger chance of success by customizing your Chaturbate theme with beautiful graphics. Getting these graphics is also easy and loads of quality design templates are available for free on sites like  Getting your templates on Designurbate also makes exporting and embedding your final design on Chaturbate a lot easier.

  • Bedroom

After all of the fun has been had, it is not unusual for many couples to realize that nothing beats a good old bedroom sex. That is why, no matter how adventurous you get, a proper bedroom sex will always find a way on our list of best places for couples to get their freaks on. Ultimately it is familiar, safe, and secure and may be the best place for couples to relax and let the beasts out.

Other honorable mentions include

At your office, on a car hood, inside an elevator, inside a parking lot, on a roof or roof deck. In your childhood bedroom in your parent’s home, and at a movie theater.

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